University of Minnesota

Select Publications


as of August 1

Burton, L. J. LaVoi, N. M. (2016). An Ecological/Multisystem Approach to Understanding and Examining Women Coaches. In N. M. LaVoi (Ed.), Women in Sports Coaching. London: Routledge.

Welty Peachey, J. & Burton, L.J. (2016). Servant leadership in sport for development and peace: A way forward. Quest.

Pagnotta, K. D., Mazerolle, S. M., Pitney, W. A., Burton, L. J. & Casa, D.J. (2016). Implementing health and safety policy changes at the high school level from a leadership perspective. Journal of Athletic Training, 51(4). DOI: 10.4085/1062-6050-51.2.09

Burton, L.J. & Weiner, J. (2016). “They were really looking for a male leader for the building”: Gender, identity and leadership development in a principal preparation program.” Frontiers in Psychology. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00141

Cooky, C. & Rauscher, L. (2016). Girls and the racialization of female bodies in sports contexts. In Messner, M. A. & Musto, M. (Eds.), Child’s Play: Sport in Kids’ Worlds. Rutgers University Press. 

Kane, M. J. (2016). A socio-cultural examination of the decline of women in sport leadership positions. In N. M. LaVoi (Ed.), Women in Sports Coaching. London: Routledge.

Kihl, L. A., Schull, V., & Shaw, S. (2016). We are Minnesota! The gendered politics in an athletic department merger. New York, NY: Palgrave Publishing. 

LaVoi, N. M. (2016). A Framework to Understand Experiences of Women Coaches around the Globe. In N. M. LaVoi (Ed.), Women in Sports Coaching. London: Routledge. 

LaVoi, N. M. (2016). Concluding Thoughts: Creating Change for Women Coaches. In N. M. LaVoi (Ed.), Women in Sports Coaching. London: Routledge.

Nelson, T.F. (2016). Sport and the Childhood Obesity Epidemic. In Messner, M.A. & Musto, M. (Eds.), Child’s Play: Sport in Kids’ Worlds. Rutgers University Press.

Thul, C., LaVoi, N.M., Hazelwood, T., & Hussein, F. (2016). “We Have a Right to the Gym”: Physical Activity Experiences of East African Immigrant Girls. In Child’s Play: Sport in Kids’ Worlds. Rutgers University Press: New Jersey.

Russell, H. C., & Wiese-Bjornstal, D. M. (2016). A narrative approach to understanding psychological stories of overuse injuries among long-distance runners. SAGE research methods cases in health. London, UK: Sage Publications. 


Forthofer, M.C., McIver, K., Saunders, R., Barr-Anderson, D.J., & Pate R.R. (2015). Associations between maternal support and physical activity among 5th grade students. Maternal and Child Health Journal

Child, S.T., Kaczynski, A.T., Sharpe, P.A., Wilcox, S., Schoffman, D.E., Forthofer, M. & Barr-Anderson, D.J. (2015). Demographic differences in perceptions of outdoor recreation areas across a decade. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 33(2), 1-19. 

Lau, E., Barr-Anderson, D.J., Dowda, M., Forthofer, M.C., Saunders, R. & Pate, R.R. Associations between home environment and after-school physical activity and sedentary time among 6th grade children. Pediatric Exercise Science, 27(2), 226-33.  

Cotrufo, R. & Burton, L.J. (2015). The NFL Evolution: Does prioritizing player welfare influence consumers? International Journal of Sport Management.

Welty-Peachey, J., Damon, J., Zhou, Y., & Burton, L.J. (2015). Forty years of leadership research in sport management: A review and synthesis. Journal of Sport Management, 29, 570 – 587.

Burton, L.J. (2015). The underrepresentation of women in sport leadership: A review of research. Sport Management Review, 18, 155-165. DOI: 10.1016/j.smr.2014.02.004

Mazerolle, S., Burton, L.J., & Cotrufo, R. (2015). The experiences of female athletic trainers in the role of the head athletic trainer. Journal of Athletic Training, 50, 71-81. DOI: 10.4085/1062-6050-49.3.500126.

Burton, L.J. (2015). Discrimination in the Workplace. In Mazerolle, S., & Pitney, W. (Eds.) Workplace Concepts for Athletic Trainers. Thorofare, NJ. 

Burton, L.J., & Leberman, S. (2015). Diversity in Sport Leadership. In Murray, D., Ian O’Boyle, I., & Paul Cummins, P. (Eds.), Leadership in Sport. Oxon, UK: Taylor & Francis. 

Cooky, C., Messner, M. A., & Musto, M. (2015). “It’s dude time!: A quarter century of excluding women’s sports in televised news and highlight shows. Communication & Sport, 1-27. DOI: 10.1177/2167479515588761

Esmonde, K., Cooky, C., & Andrews, D. L. (2015). “It’s supposed to be about the love of the game, not the love of Aaron Rogers’ eyes: Challenging the Exclusions of Women Sports Fans.” Sociology of Sport Journal, 22-48. DOI:

Rauscher, L. & Cooky, C. (2015). “Ready for anything the world gives her”?: A critical look at sports-based positive youth development for girls. DOI: 10.1007/s11199-014-0400-x

Hartmann, D. & Ali, S. (2015). Migration, Incorporation, and Change in an Interconnected World. New York: Routledge/Taylor-Francis.

Hartmann, D., Manning, A. & Gerteis, J. (2015). Colorblindness in Black and White: An Analysis of Core Tenets, Configurations, and Complexities. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 1(4), 532-546.

Hartmann, D. (2015). Reflections on Race, Diversity, and the Crossroads of Multiculturalism. The Sociological Quarterly, 56(4), 623-639.

Hartmann, D. (2015). Sport and Social Intervention. In Guiolianotti, R. (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of the Sociology of Sport Handbook. London/New York: Routledge. 

Kane, M. J. (2015). The continuum theory: Challenging traditional conceptualizations and practices of sport. Handbook of Theory in Sport Management. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 

Hoffman, J. L., Bell, L., Kihl, L. A., & Browning, A. (2015). Civic engagement activities of college athletes and non-athletes. Journal of College & Character, 16(2), 75-89.

Kihl, L. A. (2015). Using grounded theory in sport management research. In George Cunningham, Janet Fink, & Alison Doherty (Eds.), Handbook of theory and theory development in sport management. London, UK: Routledge. 

Fink, J., LaVoi, N.M., & Newhall, K. (2015). Challenging the gender binary? Male basketball practice players’ views of female athletes and women’s sports. Sport in Society.

LaVoi, N. M., & Leberman S. (2015). A Rationale for Encouraging Mothers to Coach Youth Athletes. Canadian Journal for Women in Coaching, 15(1).

Smith, A. M., Stuart, M. J., Dodick, D. W., Roberts, W. O., Alford, P. W., Ashare, A. B., Aubrey, M., Benson, B. W., Burke, C. J., Dick, R., Eickhoff, C., Emery, L. A., Flashman, D., Gaz, C. C., Giza, R. M., Greenwald, R. M., Herring, S., Hoshizaki, T. B., Hudziak, J. J., Huston III, J., Krause, D., LaVoi, N., Leaf, M., Leddy, J. J., MacPherson, A., McKee, A. C., Mihalik, J. P., Moessner, A. M., Montelpare, W. J., Putukian, M., Schneider, K. J., Szalkowski, R., Tabrum, M., Whitehead, J., & Wiese-Bjornstal, D. M. (2015). Ice Hockey Summit II: Zero tolerance for head hits and fighting. (2015). Current Sports Medicine Reports, 14(2), 135-144. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, 25(2), 78-87. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 7(3), 283–295. 

Pope, Z., Lewis, B. A., & Gao, Z. (2014). Using the Transtheoretical Model to examine the effects of exergaming on physical activity among children. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 1205 -1212. DOI: 10.1123/jpah.2014-0310

Ussher, M., Lewis, S., Aveyard, P., Manyonda, I., West, R., Lewis, B., Marcus, B., Riaz, M.,Taylor, A.H., Barton, P., Daley, A., Essex, H., Esliger, D., & Coleman, T. (2015). The London Exercise And Pregnant (LEAP) smokers trial: A randomised controlled trial of physical activity for smoking cessation in pregnancy with an economic evaluation. Health Technology Assessment

Lewis, B.A., Williams, D. M., Frayeh, A., & Marcus, B.H. (2015). Self-efficacy versus perceived enjoyment as predictors of physical activity behavior. Psychology & Health, 1-14. DOI:10.1080/08870446.2015.1111372

Leberman, S.I., & Shaw, S. (2015). Using the Kaleidoscope Career Model to analyze female CEOs’ experiences in sport organizations. Gender in Management: an international journal

Leberman, S.I., & Shaw, S. (2015). “Let’s be honest most people in the sporting industry are still males”: The importance of socio-cultural context for female graduates. Journal of Vocational Education and Training

Leberman, S.I., & Hurst, J. (2015). New Zealand Women in Leadership: Opportunities and Challenges. In SR. Madsen, FW. Ngunjiri, KA. Longman, & C. Cherrey (Eds.), Women and Leadership Around the World. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc.

Roberts, W.O., Asplund, C.A., O'Connor, F.G., & Stovitz, S.D. (2015). Cardiac preparticipation screening for the young athlete: Why the routine use of ECG is not necessary. J Electrocardiol, 48(3), 311-315.

Thul, C. M., Eisenberg, M. E., Larson, N. I., & Neumark-Sztainer, D. (2015). Physical activity patterns among Minnesota Somali adolescents. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 12(9), 1320-1326.

Wiese-Bjornstal, D. M., Franklin, A. N., Dooley, T. N., Foster, M. A., & Winges, J. B. (2015). Observations about sports injury surveillance and sports medicine psychology among female athletes. Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 23, 64-73.

Russell, H. C., & Wiese-Bjornstal, D. M. (2015). Narratives of psychological response to microtrauma injury among long-distance runners. Sports, 3(3), 159-177. DOI:10.3390/sports3030159

Wiese-Bjornstal, D. M., White, A. C., Russell, H. C., & Smith, A. M. (2015). Psychology of sport concussions. Kinesiology Review, 4, 169-189.


Barr-Anderson, D.J., Adams-Wynn, A.W., Alhassan, S. & Whitt-Glover, M.C. (2014). Culturally-appropriate, 9-month pilot, obesity intervention for African-American middle school girls and their mothers: a feasibility study. Journal of Adolescent and Family Health, 6(2), 6. 

Barr-Anderson, D.J., Bauer, K.W., Hannan, P.J., Story, M. & Neumark-Sztainer, D. (2014). Perception vs Reality: Is perceived or objective proximity to environmental, physical activity opportunities more associated with recent use among adolescent girls? Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 107-12.

Barr-Anderson, D.J., Singleton, C., Cotwright, C.J., Floyd, M.F. & Affuso, O. (2014). Outside-of-school time obesity prevention and treatment interventions in African American youth. Obesity Reviews, 15(S4), 26-45.

Schoffman, D.E., Wilcox, S., Kaczynski, A.T., Child, S., Barr-Anderson, D.J., Sharpe, P.A. & Forthofer, M. (2014) Predicting outdoor recreation area use in a Southeastern US county: a signal detection analysis. Journal of Community Health, 39(6), 1101-8.

Alhassan, S., Greever, C., Nwaokelemeh, O., Mendoza, A., & Barr-Anderson, D. J. (2014). Facilitators, barriers, and components of a culturally-tailored afterschool physical activity program in preadolescent African-American girls and their mothers. Ethnicity and Disease, 8-13. 

Graham D. J., Bauer K. W., Friend S., Barr-Anderson D. J., Neumark-Sztainer, D. (2014). Personal, behavioral, and socio-environmental correlates of concurrent and longitudinal physical activity among adolescent girls. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 11(1), 1-61.

Burton, L.J., & Welty Peachey, J. (2014). Examining the mediating effect of organizational culture in intercollegiate athletics. Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, 7, 153-174.

Welty Peachey, J., Burton, L.J., & Wells, J.E. (2014). Examining the influence of transformational leadership, leader-member exchange, organizational commitment, job embeddedness, and job search on turnover intentions of Division I senior administrators. Leadership and Organizational Development, 35(8), 740-755.

Burton, L.J. & Welty Peachey, J. (2014). Ethical leadership in intercollegiate sport: challenges, opportunities, future directions. Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, 7(1), 1-10.

Grappendorf, H., & Burton, L.J. (2014). Examining the influence of athletic participation in evaluation of entry-level positions in financial services: An application of role congruity theory. Journal for the Study of Sport and Athletes in Education, 8(1), 19-32.

Burton, L.J., Welty Peachey, J., & Damon, Z. (2014). Transformational, Transactional, & Servant Leadership. In Borland, J., Kane, G., & Burton, L.J. (Eds.), Sport Leadership in the 21st Century. Jones & Barlett.

Fink, J., Kane, M. J., & LaVoi, N. M. (2014). The freedom to choose: Elite female athletes' preferred representations within endorsement opportunities. Journal of Sport Management, 207-219.

Hartmann, D., Green, K. & Nelson, T. (2014). Binge Drinking and Sports Participation in College: Patterns among Athletes and Former Athletes. International Journal for the Sociology of Sport, 49(3-4), 417-433.

Cooky, C., Begovic, M., Sabo, D., Oglesby, Carole A., & Snyder, M. (2014). Gender and sport in Montenegro: Barriers and facilitators. International Sociology of Sport Review. DOI: 10.1177/1012690214559109.

Schooler, D., & Daniels, E. A. (2014). “I am not a skinny toothpick and proud of it:” Latina adolescents’ ethnic identity and responses to mainstream media images. Body Image, 11,11-18. DOI: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2013.09.001

Daniels, E., & LaVoi, N. M. (2013). Athletics as solution and problem: Sports participation for girls and the sexualization of female athletes. In E. L. Zubriggen & T. A. Roberts (Eds.), The sexualization of girls and girlhood: causes, consequences and resistance. New York: Oxford University Press.

Fink, J. S. (2014). Female athletes, women‘s sport, and the sport media commercial complex: Have we really "come a long way, baby?" Sport Management Review. DOI: 10.1016/j.smr.2014.05.001

Hardin, M., & LaVoi, N. M. (2013). Inappropriate behavior and lesbianism: The contrasting falls of two women's college basketball coaches. In L. Wenner (Ed.), Fallen sports heroes, media, and celebrity culture. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.

Kane, M. J., LaVoi, N. M., & Fink, J.S. (2013). Exploring elite female athletes' interpretations of sport media images: A window into the construction of social identity and "selling sex" in women's sports. Communication & Sport1-31. DOI: 0.1177/2167479512473585

Kihl, L. A., Tainsky, S., Babiak, K., & Bang, J. (2014). Evaluation of a cross-sector community initiative partnership: Delivering a local sport program. Evaluation and Program Planning, 44, 36-47.

Kihl, L. A., Babiak, K., & Tainsky, S. (2014). Evaluating the implementation of a professional sport team’s corporate community involvement initiative. Journal of Sport Management, 28, 324 – 337.

Kihl, L. A., & Wiese-Bjornstal, D. (2014). Doing community based action research in an urban youth sport environment: Lessons learned. In P. Brindle (Ed.), SAGE research methods cases. London, UK: Sage Publications. DOI:

Hoffman, J. L., Bell, L., Kihl, L. A., & Browning, A. (2014). Civic engagement activities of college athletes and non-athletes. Journal of College & Character.

Kihl, L. A., & Wiese-Bjornstal, D. (2014). Doing community based action research in an urban youth sport environment: Lessons learned. In P. Brindle (Ed.), SAGE research methods cases. London, UK: Sage Publications.

Kihl, L. A., Tainsky, S., Babiak, K., & Bang, J. (2014). Evaluation of a cross-sector community initiative partnership: Delivering a local sport program. Evaluation and Program Planning, 44, 36-47.

Kihl, L. A., Babiak, K., & Tainsky, S. (2014). Evaluating the implementation of a professional sport team’s corporate community involvement initiative. Journal of Sport Management, 28, 324–337.

Kihl, L. A., Shaw, S., & Schull, V. (2013). Fear, anxiety, and loss of control: Analyzing an athletic department merger as a gendered political processJournal of Sport Management, 27, 146-157.

LaVoi, N. M., & Kane, M. J. (2014). Sociological aspects of sport. In P. M. Pedersen & L. Thibault (Ed.), Contemporary sport management. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

LaVoi, N. M. (2014). Head coaches of women’s collegiate teams: A report on select NCAA Division-I FBS institutions, 2013-14. Minneapolis: Tucker Center for Research on Girls & Women in Sport.

LaVoi, N. M. (2014). The status of women in collegiate coaching: A report card, 2013-14 [Infographic]. Minneapolis: Tucker Center for Research on Girls & Women in Sport.

LaVoi, N. M., & Calhoun, A. S. (2014). Digital media and female athletes. In A. Billings & M. Hardin (Eds.), Handbook of sport and new media. New York: Routledge.

Butryn, T., LaVoi, N. M., Kauer, K., Semerjian, T., & Waldron, J. (2014). We walk the line: An analysis of the problems and possibilities of work at the sport psychology-sport sociology nexusSociology of Sport Journal.

Gill, L.J., Ramsey, P.L., & Leberman, S.I. (2014). Exploring emotional intelligence trainer roles. New Zealand Journal of Human Resources Management. 14(1), 3-16.

Schuver, K. & Lewis, B.A. (2014). Theories of Behavior Change. In the American College of Sports Medicine’s Resources for the Health Fitness Specialist. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Lewis, B. A., Gjerdingen, D., Avery, M., Sirard, J., Guo, H., Schuver, K., & Marcus, B. H. (2014). A Randomized trial examining a physical activity intervention for the prevention of postpartum depression: The Healthy Mom Trial. Journal of Mental Health & Physical Activity, 7, 42-49. DOI: 10.1016/j.mhpa.2013.11.002

Schull, V., Shaw, S., & Kihl, L. A. (2013). If a woman came in ... She would have been eaten up alive: Analyzing gendered political processes in the search for an athletic director. Gender & Society, 27(1), 56-81.

Roberts, W.O., Stovitz, S.D. (2014). Reply: sudden death in adolescent athletes. J Am Coll Cardiol, 63(18), 1931-2.

Stovitz, S.D. & Shrier I. (2014). Sickle cell trait, exertion-related death and confounded estimates. Br J Sports Med., 48(4), 285-6.

Eisenberg, M. E., Larson, N. I., Berge, J. M., Thul, C. M., & Neumark-Sztainer, D. (2014). The home physical activity environment and adolescent BMI, physical activity and TV viewing: Disparities across a diverse sample. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 1(4), 326-336.

Wiese-Bjornstal, D. M. (2014). Reflections on a quarter-century of research in sports medicine psychology. Revista de Psicologia del Deporte, 23(2), 411-421. n2-wiese- bjornstal/pdf_en


Burton, L.J., & Welty Peachey, J. (2013). The call for servant leadership in intercollegiate athletics. Quest, 65, 354-371.

Buysse, J.M. & Wolter, S. (2013).  Gender Representations in 2010 NCAA Division I Media Guides:  The battle for equity was only temporarily won. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics.

Cooky, C., & Messner, M. A., Hextrum, R. (2013). “Women play sports, but not on TV: A longitudinal study of televised news.” Communication & Sport, 203-231. 

Dworkin, S. L., Swarr, A. L., & Cooky, C. (2013). (In)Justice in sport: The treatment of South African track star Caster Semenya. Feminist Studies, 39 (1), 40-69.  

Cooky, C. & Dworkin, S. L. (2013). Policing the Boundaries of Sex: A Critical Examination of Gender Verification and the Caster Semenya Controversy. Journal of Sex Research, 50, 103-111. DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2012.725488

Cooky, C., Dycus, R.  & Dworkin, S. L. (2013). “What makes a woman a woman?" vs. "Our First Lady of sport": A comparative analysis of Caster Semenya in U.S. and South African news media.” Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 37, 31-56. DOI: 10.1177/0193723512447940

Cooky, C., & Dworkin, S. L. (2013). “Running down what comes naturally: South Africa’s Caster Semenya and discourses of biological sex.” In L. Wenner (Ed.), Fallen heroes: Sport, media, and celebrity culture. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publisher.

McDonald, M. G. & Cooky, C. (2013). “Interrogating discourses about the WNBA’s ‘bad girls’: Intersectionality and the politics of representation. In L. Wenner (Ed.), Fallen Heroes: Sport, Media, and Celebrity Culture. New York: NY: Peter Lang Publisher.

Fink, J. S. (2013). Theory development in sport management. My process and other considerations. Sport Management Review, 16, 17-21.

Hartmann, D. & Green, K. (2013) Politics and Sports: Strange and Secret Bedfellows. In Hartmann, D. & Uggen, C (Ed.), The Social Side of Politics. New York: Norton. 

Fink, J., Kane, M.J. & LaVoi, N.M. (2013). The Freedom to Choose:  Elite Female Athletes’ Preferred Representations within Endorsement Opportunities. Journal of Sport Management.

Kane, M. J. (2013). The better sportswomen get, the more the media ignore them. Communication & Sport, 1-6.

Kane, M. J., LaVoi, N. M., & Fink, J. S. (2013). Exploring elite female athletes’ interpretations of sport media images: A window into the construction of social identity and "selling sex’’ in women’s sports. Communication & Sport, 1-30.

Kihl, L. A., Leberman, S., &  Schull, V. (2013). Stakeholder constructions of leadership in intercollegiate athletics. In G. Cunningham (Ed.), Sport Management. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Inc. 

LaVoi. N.M. (2013). Gender and Sport Media. In E. A. Roper (Ed.), Gender Relations in Sport. Boston: Sense Publishers.

LaVoi, N. M. (2013). The decline of women coaches in collegiate athletics, 2012-13. Minneapolis: The Tucker Center for Research on Girls & Women in Sport. [Full Text]

Butryn, T., LaVoi, N.M., Kauer, K., Semerjian, T., & Waldron, J. (in press). Walking the Line: A Generational Cohort’s Perspectives on the Disciplinary Boundaries of Sport Psychology and Sport Sociology. Sociology of Sport Journal.

LaVoi, N. M. (2013). The decline of women coaches in collegiate athletics: A report on select NCAA Division-I FBS institutions, 2012-13Minneapolis: Tucker Center for Research on Girls & Women in Sport.

Van Kim, N. & Nelson, T.F. (2013) Vigorous physical activity, mental health and stress among 4-year college students in the US. American Journal of Health Promotion, 28(1), 7-15.


Mazerolle, S., Gavin, K., Pitney, W., Casa, D., & Burton, L.J. (2012). Examining influences on undergraduate athletic training students career decisions post graduation. Journal of Athletic Training, 47, 679-693.

Mazerolle, S., Burton, L.J. & Borland, J. (2012). The professional socialization of college female athletic trainers: navigating experiences of gender bias. Journal of Athletic Training, 47, 694-703.

Burton, L.J., Borland, J., & Mazerolle, S.M. (2012). "They cannot seem to get past the gender issue": Experiences of young female athletic trainers in Division I intercollegiate athletics. Sport Management Review, 15, 304-317.

Welty Peachey, J., & Burton, L.J. (2012). Transactional or transformational leaders in intercollegiate athletics? Examining the influence of leader gender and subordinate gender on evaluation of leaders. International Journal of Sport Management, 13, 1-28.

Fink, J.S., Burton, L.J., Farrell, A., & Parker, H. (2012). Playing it Out: Female intercollegiate athletes’ experiences in revealing their sexual identities. Journal for the Study of Sport and Athletes in Education, 6, 83-106.

Bruening, J.E., Dixon, M.A., Burton, L.J., & Madsen, R.M. (2012). Exploring Social Relationships in Coaching: Women in Coaching. In Trudel, P., Potrac, P., Gilbert, W., & Dennison, J. (Eds.) Handbook of Sports Coaching. 

Cooky, C. (2012). Success without honor: Cultures of Silence and the Penn State Scandal. Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies, 12, 328-331. DOI: 10.1177/1532708612446432

Dworkin, S. L. & Cooky, C. (2012). Sport, sex segregation, and sex testing: Critical reflections on this unjust marriage. American Journal of Bioethics, 12(7), 1-3. DOI: 10.1080/15265161.2012.680545 

Wachs, F. L., Cooky, C., Messner, M. A., & Dworkin, S. L. (2012). Media frames and displacement of blame in the Don Imus incident: Sincere fictions and frenetic inactivity. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 29 (5), 421-438. DOI: 10.1080/15295036.2011.646282 

Cooky, C. LaVoi, N. M. (2012). The unfinished revolution in women’s sport. Contexts: Understanding people in their social worlds, 11, 42-46.

Cooky, C. & Dworkin, S. L. (2012). Woman enough to win? The Society Pages: Social Science that Matters.

Cooky, C. & LaVoi, N.M. (2012). Playing but losing: Women's sports after Title IX. Contexts, 11, 42-45.

Daniels, E. A. (2012). Sexy versus strong: What girls and women think of female athletes. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 33, 79-90. 

Frederick, D. A., Jafary, A. M., Gruys, K., & Daniels, E. A. (2012). Surveys and the epidemiology of body image dissatisfaction. In T. F. Cash (Ed.), Encyclopedia of body image and human appearance. San Diego: Academic Press.

Fink, J. S., Parker, H. M., Cunningham, G. B., Cuneen, J. C. (2012). Female athlete endorsers. Determinants of effectiveness. Sport Management Review, 15, 13-22.

Parker, H. M. & Fink, J. S. (2012). Arrest record or openly gay? The impact of athletes’ personal lives on endorser effectiveness. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 21, 70-79. 

Fink, J. S., Burton, L. J., Farrell, A. O., Parker, H. M. (2012). Playing it out: Female intercollegiate athletes’ experiences in revealing their sexual identities. Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education, 6, 83-106.

Fink, J. S. (2012). Homophobia and the marketing of female athletes and women’s sport. Homophobia and the marketing of female athletes and women’s sport. In G. B. Cunningham (Ed.), Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Sport. Center for Sport Management Research and Education: College Station, TX.

Hartmann, D. (2012). Beyond the Sporting Boundary: The Racial Significance of Sport through Midnight Basketball. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 35 (6): 1007-1022.

Hartmann, D., Sullivan, J. & Nelson, T. (2012). The Attitudes and Opinions of High School Sports Participants: An Exploratory Empirical Examination. Sport, Education, and Society, 17 (1), 113-132.

Hartmann, D. (2012) Rethinking Community-Based Crime Prevention Through Sports. In Schinke, R. & Hanrahan, S. (Ed.), Sport for Development, Peace, and Social Justice. Morgantown, WV: West Virginia University Press / Fitness Information Technologies. 

Kane, M. J. (2012). Title IX at 40: Examining mysteries, myths & misinformation surrounding the historic federal law. President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition Research Digest, 13, 2-9.

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